Sunday, February 22, 2015

                                                                             Question 1
            Since the advent of the industrial revolution during the late 19th century Earth has been becoming ill; that is, its environmental equilibrium has been disrupted for more than a century. This balance includes climate, ocean temperature, species diversity, and most importantly, our finite natural resources. In recent decades, the world has become more cognizant of the environmental changes brought by our constant and increasing use of natural resources and waste. The need to reduce the depletion of our natural resources and pollution has become a serious issue for many countries, including the United States. It is imperative that the government takes full responsibility of the issue of conservation and green-living for it can enforce laws and policies that promote conservation, fund research and production for reducing environmental pollution, and provide economic support for green living to not only its own citizens, but also to other countries.
            One of the most effective methods the government enforces a cause is laws and policies. The government can promote wise spending of natural resources and cut down wastes by simply creating laws that promote exactly those. For instance, the Singaporean government has a policy that "awards… tax rebate of 40% of the price of a vehicle to Singaporeans who opt for hybrids."(Source B) This single policy encourages many people to choose the hybrid, a vehicle that has a significantly lower CO2 emission. Furthermore, in the United states, high energy costs are "partly offset by government rebates". This encourages many to be more aware of their use of natural resources. Thus, the government can create a significant impetus for its people to conserve energy and reduce waste just by simple enforcement of polices that provide compensation. A system that wields such influence and power can easily create a greener society.
            Another reason that the government is responsible for promoting green-living is its ability to allocate funds to researches and innovative technology that promote energy conservation and reduced pollution. As a system responsible for the distribution of monetary support, it is the government's duty to allocate funds to researches and scientists who need government funds to conduct research. The U.S government is responsible for creating tools, technology, systems, and ethics that "will allow the planet to grow in a cleaner, more sustainable ways" (Source C). For this to happen, the U.S government needs to provide funds to those who create innovative technology and conservative systems., Organizations and research groups with sufficient funding will be able to create not only technology and tangible differences, but also a change in ethics that promote green living among regular citizens. The UI..S Department of Energy, for example, has a booklet that instructs home owners how to conserve energy (Source E). It provides a guide on how to wisely use electricity, water, gas, and home appliances, minimizing waste. Such methods increases the general awareness of energy conservation and encourages many to practice green-living.
            Lastly, the government provides economic support and a platform that supports its people and other nations. Countries like the United States, which is "powerful and most influential" in regards to innovation and inspiration (Source C), must take the global lead in creating a greener world. As seen in Source E, the U.S. is, apart from Japan, a leading nation in conserving energy, having systems that protect the environment, and avoiding pollution. This strengthens the notion that as a country with stable economic background to support research, provide jobs related to energy, and promote green-living, the U.S. should be fully responsible for encouraging other countries promote energy-conservative lifestyles.
            The issue of green-living has been a topic of high interest in recent years. Many are trying to maintain the environmental balance of natural resources, climate, and species diversity for future generations. As a policy and law maker, patron of innovation, and leader of global causes, the U.S. government should be fully responsible for greener living and the promotion of energy conservation.


  1. Thesis contains detailed background information and a clear explanation of the problem and also clearly states a significant and compelling position.
    Body paragraphs contain well developed main points directly related to the thesis. Supporting example from sources are concrete and detailed. Your use of quotes and analyzing gives reader a more insightful opinion on the topic. Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is consistent and words well chosen. Conclusion effectively wraps up by restating thesis and position on the issue.
    -Miriam. A

  2. Your thesis clearly states the problem and let's the reader know what your essay will mainly be on. The body paragraphs use many sources to support your main argument. Overall, the essay is written noicely. Prideful student af

  3. Wow, I must say that this essay on greener living is very proficient and above average. The introduction paragraph gives a good background information that transitions into a very detailed thesis on your exact position. In your body paragraphs, you used a variety of sources throughout your whole essay with great analysis and commentary. There were great uses of vocab and the writing and essay overall was very skillful and advanced. Great job buddy.
