Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Question 3 (Persuasion): Creativity In Class
            Do you think outside the box? If not, you may be influenced by the declining worldwide creativity. Due to decreasing creativity, many schools are aiming to revive creative thinking in schools, It is imperative that schools encourage creative thinking, for creativity consists of the ability to invent, revolutionize standards, and learn effectively.
            Creativity creates new standards. Looking back in history, there have been many cases where creativity opened common norms to novel ideas. Pablo Picasso was an artist of the mid 20th century who revolutionized artistic styles. At the time the common approach to art was to reproduce reality with as much verisimilitude as possible. Picasso, who was a creative thinker, saw art differently. He depicted reality in cubism, where depictions were distorted into cubic forms. Many were surprised by Picasso's unprecedented method of art, and some were even offended by its maverick aspects. However, Picasso persisted in his style and his creative approach paved the way for other unorthodox art forms. If classes implement components of creativity similar to those found within Picasso's art, students may be encouraged to approach education differently. A student may find new ways to solve math problems or formulate scientific experiments. Allowing students to blindly accept and follow educational norms set by the school may prove to be dangerous, for it will be difficult for them to develop creative thinking.
            Benefits of creativity is not limited to art. In the world of sciences, creative thinking has led to many new findings and inventions. One creative scientist and inventor, Thomas Edison, created the long lasting filament. Before Edison's invention, light bulbs had ephemeral filaments that lasted a couple of hours. Many were frustrated by the short-lived filaments, and scientists and inventors were looking for ways to increase light bulb duration. Common approaches involved changing the voltage, using different types of glass, and changing the thickness of the bulb. However, Edison, as an imaginative thinker, examined the filament, which everyone else overlooked. Edison implemented the metal filament that would stay lit for a very long time, lasting months before expiring. Hence, Edison's creativity led to a world-changing invention. Implementation of creative aspects in schools can culture students to become creative thinkers who approach problems innovatively. Schools should provide interactive learning environments in which students can share ideas, learn how others think, and experience hands-on learning. With these elements, schools can become places in which students expand their vision and accomplish more, just as Picasso and Edison have.
            Creativity has long been an important component of success, as evidenced by history of arts and inventions. Schools should encourage imaginative thinking and boost creative learning environments. It is essential that students learn in innovative environments, for creativity leads to inventions, new standards, and effective learning.          

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