Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Question 2

       During the 1960s, when the United States was recuperating from an economic downfall,. steel companies raised steel prices despite the economic pressure. In response to the rise in steel prices, president John F. Kennedy gives a speech in which he effectively rebukes the price increase. Kennedy employs the appeal to pathos by inducing the reader to sympathize the citizens suffering from high prices, logs by explaining the counterproductive effects of the price rise, and reveals the immoral and selfish intentions of the steel companies.
        In berating the steel price increase Kennedy appeals to pathos. He introduces the issue by addressing the hardships of the citizens. The concept of giving economic burdens to families and servicemen who "risk their lives": appeals to the reader's sympathy as he/she learns that the companies' commercial interests have burdened "185 million Americans". Kennedy explains that the rise ni the cost of steel would "increase the cost of... most other items for every American family" By specifically mentioning the American perspective of the issue, Kennedy evokes not only compassion, but also patriotic concern and empathy. As the president of the united States, Kennedy proposes genuine concern for his people, and thus persuades the audience that Americans are truly suffering as a result of the price increase. 
         Kennedy goes on to explain the counter productive effects of the price hike. He asserts that the price increase "would seriously handicap our efforts to prevent an inflationary spiral from eating up... pensions.. of older citizens and gains in ... power." Knowing that America has recently emerged from a recession, Kennedy proposes possible damages to the already feeble economic condition of America. By doing so he induces that reader to understand the illogical aspects of the price increase. Adding on, Kennedy mentions that the price rise will "handicap our efforts to induce industries and unions to adopt responsible price and wage policies." By addressing the detrimental economic effects, Kennedy effectively proposes a logical fallacy in the price increase, for it will be detrimental to American economy. 

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